Hot, humid weather keeps Toronto under a heat warning

Good morning! If you're looking for relief from the sweltering heat — keep searching, more hot and humid weather is on tap today as a heat warning remains in effect for Toronto.
Here's how your Wednesday plays out. Highs in the 31-33°C range across the GTA feeling closer to 40°C with humidex. <a href=""></a>
This evening clouds will take over, bringing with them a 30 per cent chance of showers and a possible thunderstorm after midnight.
One more scorcher on the way
If you love the humidity then you're in luck, it will stick around tomorrow before finally cooling off a bit as we head into the weekend. Tomorrow a high of 31 C is in the forecast but it will feel 36 with the humidex.
On Friday a 40 per cent chance of showers could usher the humidity away and will come with a cooldown, with temperatures only expected to reach 25 C.
Heat warning now extends from GTA all the way to Windsor. Hot and muggy thru Thursday. Much cooler for the weekend. <a href=""></a>
Environment Canada and Toronto's medical officer of health issue heat warnings when very high temperatures or humidity conditions could lead to a greater risk of heat illnesses, such as heatstroke or heat exhaustion.
That risk is greatest for:
- Older adults.
- Infants and young children.
- People with chronic illnesses, such as breathing difficulties.
- People who work or exercise in the heat.
- Homeless people.
- Those without access to air conditioning.
Environment Canada urges Toronto residents to drink plenty of liquid — especially water — before feeling thirsty, which will decrease the risk of dehydration.