Now you can have a forever Christmas tree by choosing a 'live tree' in a pot
A potted 'live Christmas tree' can stay in your house for a week, then be planted outside

If you're going Christmas tree hunting this weekend, there's a new option for you to consider.
A plastic tree or a real tree that has been cut down are the typical choices, but you can also find trees that are potted.

They are called "live Christmas trees," according to Kevin Halverson, an employee at Evergreen Brickworks Garden Market.
"The benefits of that is that if you are able to plant it on your property, you basically have a Christmas tree ready to go year after year," Halverson to CBC Toronto.

A big difference from an already-cut Christmas tree.
"A Christmas tree that has been cut at the end of the year will eventually have to be composted," said Halverson.
Halverson said the potted live trees can only stay in your house for about a week, then it can remain in the pot outside until the ground starts to thaw.
"Ultimately the tree will need to remain outside for the bulk of the winter because it needs to experience dormancy," explained Halverson.
Halverson said the spring is the "perfect time to plant" the tree.
After planting, Halverson said the trees will help clean the air and can benefit your house.
"If you were to buy a real one, plant it on your property, ultimately that does always help with the heating and cooling of your house," explained Halverson.