There are now 37 confirmed cases of mumps in the city: Toronto Public Health
Infected people are mostly 18 to 35-year-olds, according to TPH

Toronto Public Health says there are 37 confirmed cases of mumps in Toronto as they continue to investigate an outbreak in the city.
According to TPH, the infected people are mostly between 18-35 years of age.
Four of the cases are related to schools in Toronto, either among staff or students, and were a result of those individuals coming into contact with someone who already had the mumps and not from the school setting.
"Broader community spread of the mumps is now occurring in Toronto," written in a press release issued by TPH.
The total number of cases has been ticking upwards over the past few weeks, with cases initially tied to downtown Toronto's west-end bar scene. TPH sent letters to west-end bars, restaurants and schools to remind people to ensure their vaccinations are up-to-date.
Mumps is a viral infection that spreads through saliva or mucus contact. It often comes with pain and swelling in the neck and jaw. It can be spread through coughing, sneezing, kissing or sharing drinks and utensils.
Toronto saw an average of five cases a year between 1997 and 2009.
TPH is asking the public to check their immunization records and said people born between 1970 and 1991 may have only received one dose as a child — rather than the now-standard two doses of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccines — and could be more vulnerable.
Signs of mumps range from flu-like symptoms, including swelling or pain in the cheeks and jaw, fever, fatigue, and muscle aches, to painful swelling of the testicles or ovaries and more severe complications including meningitis or brain inflammation.