Ontario budget 2016: How is your pocket book affected?
With talk of budget deficits and cap-and-trade systems, the average Ontarian may wonder what the 2016 budget means for their daily lives.
Following last week’s move to bring wine sales to grocery stores, the cost of wine is set to go up

With talk of budget deficits and cap-and-trade systems, the average Ontarian may wonder what the 2016 budget means for their daily lives.
- Low-income seniors, students get relief in Ontario's new budget
- Liberals pitch grant to cover average tuition for low-income students
- More seniors to qualify for low-income drug program
What goes up
- Effective Friday, taxes will increase from 13.975 cents to 15.475 cents per cigarette, or $3 per carton.
- Effective in June, the LCBO will be allowed to increase its mark-up on wine by two percentage points. It will go up another two percentage points in April 2017, another two percentage points in April 2018, and one percentage point in April 2019.
- The basic tax on non-Ontario wine bought at winery retail stores will go up by one percentage point annually, starting this June and then through to April 2019.
- The minimum retail price for a 750 ml bottle of table wine will increase to $7.95, including deposit, which will be phased in over three years.
- The cost of putting Junior into hockey with the elimination of the Children's Activity Tax Credit, a move that will save the government $15 million this fiscal year, $50 million in 2017-18 and $55 million in 2018-19.
What goes down
- The $30 fee drivers must pay when they get their car tested under Ontario's Drive Clean program is being eliminated.
- Senior citizens between the ages of 65 and 70 will no longer have to pay for the shingles vaccine, a savings for these residents of about $170.
- Hospital parking fees: hospitals that charge more than $10 per day in parking fees will be required to offer a 50 per cent discount on multiple-use passes to frequent visitors. (Note: previously announced.)