Ontario French school teachers reach deal with province

Ontario's fourth-largest teachers' union, which represents teachers in French language schools, has reached a deal with the province on Wednesday.
L'Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) agreed to a tentative deal and will hold off scheduled job action pending ratification of the offer, Ontario Education Minister Liz Sandals has confirmed.
"I am pleased that the parties were able to roll up their sleeves to resolve difficult issues," Sandals said in a news release.
Ontario now has agreements with AEFO, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association.
The 76,000 teachers represented by the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), however, are still working without a contract. Talks between ETFO and the province broke down earlier this week and the union has since threatened to escalate its ongoing work-to-rule campaign.