
4 officers cleared in death of Aurora teen who appeared to have 'plan to lure police': SIU

Ontario's Special Investigation Unit has cleared four York Regional Police officers of wrongdoing in the shooting death of a 17-year-old boy in Aurora in October.

Report says teen had shot gun, machete and was wearing a tactical-style vest

York Regional Police at the scene of a fatal police-involved shooting in Aurora on Oct. 30, 2024.
York Regional Police are shown here at the scene of a police shooting in Aurora on Oct. 30, 2024 that resulted in the death of a 17-year-old boy. The Special Investigations Unit has cleared four officers of any wrongdoing in the fatal shooting. (CBC)

Ontario's Special Investigation Unit has cleared four York Regional Police officers of wrongdoing in the shooting death of a 17-year-old boy in Aurora last fall.

In a report released Thursday, SIU Director Joseph Martino said there are no grounds to believe that any of the officers committed a crime on the night of Oct. 30, 2024 when the teen was shot several times and died of multiple gunshot wounds in the town north of Toronto.

The report sheds new light on the incident, noting the teen had a shotgun and a machete and was wearing a tactical-style vest when he died.

"For whatever reason, it seems the Complainant had set in motion a plan to lure police to his home where it appeared he intended to shoot and kill officers responding to a fake report of a break and enter in progress."

Three of the four officers who opened fire that day did not agree to an interview with the SIU as is their legal right.

However, said Martino: "I am unable to reasonably conclude that any of the subject officials fired their weapons without believing it was necessary to do so to protect themselves from a reasonably apprehended attack."

"It was dark, the Complainant had just been seen holding and firing a long gun at the officers, and he carried and was reaching for a long slender object that I am satisfied might credibly have been misconstrued for a firearm."

Incident began with 911 call about break-in

According to the SIU, someone called 911 at 7:45 p.m. that night to report a break-and-enter in progress at a home on Downey Circle. 

The report identifies the caller as the teen. 

The SIU said the caller reported hearing noises coming from the garage and banging.

The first officer to arrive on the scene parked his vehicle a distance from the home, and when he was walking to the residence, he was met by gunfire but was not hit.

The SIU said the teen fired the shots, discharging upwards of 20 rounds from a rifle, before emerging from the home wearing a tactical-style vest and carrying a shotgun. The officer ordered him to drop the weapon.

The report says the teen told the officer to shut up and that he would kill him, and fired more rounds from the shotgun. The officer was hit in the face by a pellet from one of the rounds. Other officers were now on the scene.

The SIU said the teen then made his way toward the officers while carrying the shotgun and was again told to drop the weapon. He responded by firing the shotgun and one officer returned fire from her pistol.

The report says the teen was hit but got back on his feet, this time holding a machete, and headed down a driveway toward the officers. 

Ontario's Special Investigations Unit says a machete was located next to the teen.
Ontario's Special Investigations Unit says this machete was located next to the teen. (Special Investigations Unit)

"The subject officials fired multiple rounds and the Complainant fell again, this time on the roadway. The Complainant rolled to his right in the direction of the machete he had dropped, and was met and struck by a second volley of shots. The Complainant fell back and did not move again," the report reads.

The officers proceeded to handcuff the teen. Paramedics then arrived and the teen was declared dead at about 8:07 p.m.

Police had to enforce the law, SIU says

Martino said the officers acted within the bounds of the law and they were trying to protect themselves.

The SIU released an image of a cruiser it says was damaged by gunfire in the exchange with the teen.
The SIU released this image of a cruiser it says was damaged by gunfire in the exchange with the teen. (Special Investigation Unit)

Martino notes that there was a significant amount of police gunfire, but said it was in keeping with the situation.

"...the number of shots fired by the subject officials was high but did not exceed what was reasonable in the circumstances. The gunfire occurred in rapid succession over three distinct phases during which the officers were either being shot at or reasonably believed they were about to be fired on."

The report says the case is now closed.

The SIU is an independent agency that investigates police conduct in incidents that result in death, serious injury, the discharge of a firearm or allegations of sexual assault.