Sudbury lobby groups campaign to be heard during election

As provincial election candidates continue to pound the pavement in the ridings they hope to represent, campaigns of another kind are rolling out.
The cycling community in Sudbury came together over the weekend for a kids bike exchange at city hall, but the Sudbury Cyclists Union also used the opportunity to hand out buttons that say "I bike, I vote.”
“It's not just one or two people who are out there who are cyclists, there's a lot more cyclists around and we are taxpayers too,” said group member Rachelle Niemela.
And while political campaign signs have taken root on lawns around the city, people might also spot signs that say: "Vote for a Poverty Free Ontario".
The Social Planning Council of Sudbury is behind that campaign. Executive director Janet Gasparini said elections provide the perfect opportunity to raise community issues.
“Once people are elected, their plate is very full,” she said.
“There are many, many issues that people are having to deal with, so it can be harder at that time to draw attention to the one thing that you happen to think is important.”
During an election, groups with charitable status like the social planning council can't tell people who to vote for — but they can push candidates to talk about their policies, allowing voters to make their own decisions.
“The politicians want your attention, and they want to talk to you and they want to hear from you and they want to know that they are meeting their needs, so it's a really important time for the electorate to really be engaging with politicians,” Gasparini said.