Premier Kathleen Wynne gets earful in local video store
Video store patron accuses premier's party of 'wasting our money'

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne got some direct feedback from a man in her neighbourhood following the auditor general's report last week that blamed Liberal policies for soaring electricity prices.
Wynne told the Economic Club of Canada today that she was in her local video store Saturday when another customer decided to offer some unsolicited advice.
She described him as a young father, and said he yelled from across the store: "Kathleen you've got to do better. You're wasting our money."
Wynne told the business audience that she figured the guy was having a bad day.
But she also said such interactions with the public remind her of why she got into politics in the first place: to create more jobs, more opportunities and a stronger economy.
The auditor general's annual report said Ontario ratepayers shelled out an extra $50 billion over a decade to cover the gap in the actual price of electricity and the price the Liberals guaranteed to power generators in long-term contracts.