The TTC is delaying the conversion to Presto to wait for a single-use ticket option
The complete conversion to Presto payment won't happen until the end of 2019

The TTC won't phase out tokens and tickets until a single-use Presto ticket option is rolled out — meaning Presto holdouts now have until the end of 2019 to continue using 'legacy' payment options.
The original plan was to make a complete jump to Presto by mid-2017, but TTC spokesperson Brad Ross said they have no choice but to wait for the arrival of a single-use Presto tickets before switching over.
In the new world order, fare collectors will no longer be posted in stations, and Presto card-less customers looking to take a single ride will buy their ticket at a machine.
"The cash fare user will be able to go in and feed the machine money and get a cardboard version of the Presto card that will allow them to enter the station," said Ross. "But that won't be ready until next year."
The single-use Prestos should be ready by June 2019. Legacy tickets and tokens will stop being sold in August 2019, and will stop being accepted in December 2019.
Presto machines are now installed on buses, streetcars, and at every subway station.
The recently-released TTC Chief Executive Officer's report lays out other changes coming soon to Toronto's Presto cards.
In August of this year, Presto will introduce a two-hour transfer, allowing customers to take as many trips as they want in a two-hour window on a single fare.
August will also see the introduction of youth, post-secondary, and senior 12-month passes on Presto. Adult 12-month Presto passes were introduced in late May.