Protesters halt work at Enbridge pipeline site in north Toronto
The second work stoppage in the area

A group of protesters is interrupting work at an Enbridge pipeline site in north Toronto.
The blockade (at Dufferin Street and Finch Avenue West) is the latest in a series of actions to protest the company's controversial Line 9 project.
This work stoppage comes one day after another one at Innerkip, Ont., was removed. It is part of a broader action against the Line 9 reversal.
A spokesman for the group, dubbed the Community Response Unit for Decontaminating our Environment (CRUDE), says the protesters are attempting to stop the project and stand in solidarity with previous demonstrations.
Enbridge plans to reverse the flow and increase the capacity of Line 9, which shuttles oil between Sarnia, Ont., and Montreal. Throughout the summer, protesters are attempting to prevent the completion of the work in order to stop the pipeline from being turned on.
Critics argue the pipeline puts the environment at risk and there has been little consultation with aboriginal communities.
Police say the demonstration is peaceful and there are officers on scene.