Rob Ford to reporter: 'Were you drinking this weekend?'
Toronto mayor asked about pictures taken at Muzik nightclub

Rob Ford became agitated Monday when reporters asked him about Instagram photos posted early Sunday that show the Toronto mayor at a downtown nightclub.
When asked if he was drinking at the club, Muzik Nightclub, located on the CNE grounds, Ford responded by turning the question back on CBC News reporter Lorenda Reddekopp.
"Were you drinking this weekend?" he asked. "Well then. No, I wasn't drinking. I don't drink."
He was still fuming as he entered the elevator to attend Monday's special council meeting.
"Cause I got some attention at the clubs, is that what you're jealous about?" he asked.
There are no reports that Ford was drinking at the event and he is not seen with a drink in any of the photos.
Last fall after he publicly admitted to smoking crack cocaine in "one of my drunken stupors," Ford told CBC's Peter Mansbridge that he's "done with drinking."
Although he was not at the club himself on Sunday, Coun. Doug Ford told CBC that his brother's appearance at Muzik is part of a campaign strategy to reach younger voters. Doug Ford also said his brother was treated like a "rock star" at the club and only drank a sugar-free energy drink.
Muzik provided the beer and wine at the mayor's semi-regular FordFest parties.