Rob Ford to talk NFL on Washington radio station
Mayor to give his NFL picks in weekly segment of radio show in U.S. capital

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford will join a Washington, D.C., sports talk radio station for a weekly segment of NFL predictions, the station announced.
“We think he’s hilarious,” the station said via its Twitter account. "[We're] thrilled to have him on the show."
The show, called Sports Junkies, airs weekday mornings from 6-10 a.m. on 106.7 The Fan in the U.S. capital. Ford is tentatively scheduled for an 8:40 a.m. appearance.
Ford’s connection to football is nothing short of an obsession.
He told CBC News he has been a big Washington Redskins fan since he was young and once attended a training camp for the team. He also likes the Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins (which he calls "the Fish") and Chicago Bears.
When asked about the Redskins team name, which has been opposed for decades as a slur against native Americans, Ford said the name should not be changed. He likened it to the name of Cleveland's baseball team, the Indians.
"What are we going to call the Cleveland Indians, the Cleveland Aboriginals next? The 'Skins are the 'Skins," Ford said.
The mayor has coached high school teams for decades, and regularly attends CFL games all over Canada.
Ford famously wore a vintage NFL tie on the day he admitted to using crack cocaine while in office. The tie featured logos of all NFL teams, circa the 1993-4 season.
He also recently attended a Buffalo Bills game in Toronto against the Atlanta Falcons, wearing running back Fred Jackson's jersey. He wears Toronto Argos jerseys to council on occasion as well.
The NFL is currently in Week 14 of its 17-week regular season, with the playoffs starting in January.
Ford’s radio segment can be heard outside the Washington, D.C., area online at