Roommate assaulted for getting up 'too early to shower,' Toronto police say
Toronto Police called to dispute near York University over early-morning shower

Toronto Police were called to deal with a dispute between two roommates Tuesday morning that they say began when one roommate got upset that the other was up too early for a shower.
"Is it the most effective use of police resources? No," Toronto police constable Craig Brister said in a phone interview with CBC News.
"But when people call, we've got to go."
The altercation happened close to York University, near the intersection of Boake Street and Assiniboine Road, with police responding to a report of an assault with minor injuries.
Toronto Police Operations tweeted about the incident:
Police near Boake St and Assiniboine Rd, report of an assault, minor injuries, one roommate upset the other gets up too early to shower ^cb
An officer at 31 Division said he had no further information about the incident and was not aware of any charges.
Toronto Police Constable Craig Brister said calls to resolve disputes between roommates are not uncommon.
"We want people to know we're there when they need to call us," Brister said. "If you've been attacked, you need to feel you can call the police."
Brister said one of the oddest calls he's responded to was when a man complained his neighbour had thrown a snowball at him.