6 things Toronto Mayor John Tory learned in London
Mayor says he has returned from London feeling 'motivated and energized'

Mayor John Tory spoke at city hall on Monday morning about his recent business trip to London and meeting with Mayor Boris Johnson to discuss transit and city planning.
Tory says the trip has "strengthened his resolve to get on with transformative initiatives like SmartTrack that will make our city even greater on the world stage."
He listed six things he thinks Toronto can learn and adopt from London.
1. A "get things done" mentality
The mayor says Toronto focuses far too much on potential negative outcomes.
"Too often we almost seem to find ways to say no and that needs to change," he said. "They say yes to ambitious projects and find ways to accomplish them."
2. Private sector role in city investment
He says the private sector takes on a far bigger role in building major city projects such as transit stations in London.
"Their most successful tech start-ups and incubators have come about due to private sector investment and encouragement," Tory said. "I will be looking at this as a way to build momentum for Toronto's priority projects."
3. Ongoing transit development
Transit development in London is continuous, the mayor said, adding that Toronto should be looking ahead on projects and get started on them as early as possible.
"I come from London with a determination to build SmartTrack reinvigorated," he said. "I think some of this will be easier in light of the committed partnership we now have set out by all parties in the recent election, including the soon to be Liberal government."
4. Transit stations as community hubs
"Transit stations cannot and should not be viewed as single-purpose entities," the mayor said.
Many transit stations in London are at the centres of retail, commercial and residential developments and serve the community in many ways, he said.
5. Selling the city - globally
People from Toronto including political officials, public servants, business leaders, academics and members of cultural communities need to come together to sell this city on a global platform and seek investors, Tory said.
6. Ambitious skyline development
The mayor said he was "struck by the ambitious and creative design of the new buildings which are being incorporated into the London skyline."
He says he is looking forward to working with the city's chief planner on developing Toronto's skyline in the most creative way possible.