Toronto budget consultations begin
It's that time of year again.
Toronto is in the midst of its annual budget process and the people who live in the city are having their say on how that budget should look.
Public consultations on the operating budget got underway on Monday.

Today, budget subcommittee meetings were held at city hall and in Etobicoke. Additional meetings will be held in Scarborough and North York on Tuesday.
Mayor John Tory was asked Monday about how much influence he felt that members of the public have on the shape of the budget.
"I think they have some influence because as we go about the task of having to find some things to, you know, perhaps take out of this year’s budget or defer or cancel, I think the public and their views help us with that," the mayor said.
City staff have recommended an $11.5-billion operating budget. They are also calling for a 2.25 per cent property-tax increase, an increase that is below the rate of inflation.
Click on the video above to see a full report from the CBC's Trevor Dunn.