Despite ceasefire, Toronto man says his family needs Canadian help to get out of Gaza
Four-day truce announced Wednesday, aid to increase

With one of his sons in a Gaza hospital, Toronto resident Nahed El-Khalidy said the recently announced ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is good news, though it came too late to save his daughter's life.
El-Khalidy said his daughter Caroline, 27, was killed Monday when an Israeli airstrike hit a building near her location in Gaza. The blast, which left his 17-year-old son Mahmoud seriously injured, came one day after the teenager was turned back at the Egyptian border as he tried with other family members to escape to Canada.
He said his son needs medical care that isn't currently available in Gaza amid shortages of medicine and electricity, and he wants the Canadian government to help.
"He needs surgery urgently, now," El-Khalidy said in an interview Wednesday. "He needs oxygen and there's no oxygen, he can't open his eyes, he can't move his hands."
The four-day truce announced Wednesday will free dozens of Israeli hostages held by militants as well as Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. It will also bring a large influx of aid to the besieged territory. The logistics of the ceasefire, expected to begin Thursday morning, were still being worked out late Wednesday.
"It will be good," El-Khalidy said of the ceasefire, adding that it will make it easier for people to bring water and medicine to hospital patients like his son.
Man says son was prevented from entering Egypt
El-Khalidy, an accountant who worked as a university professor in Gaza before moving to Canada three years ago, said all his family members — except for Mahmoud — were on a list of people with Canadian ties allowed to cross into Egypt Sunday.
A Canadian permanent resident, El-Khalidy said he had contacted Global Affairs and was told that his son should go to the border anyway, and that Canadian officials would help him cross with his family.
However, El-Khalidy said the Egyptians refused to allow Mahmoud to cross and wouldn't allow the others to enter without a bribe. "They tried to return all my family to Gaza," he said. "At last, my wife had to pay money to some Egyptian soldiers at the border to allow her and my daughters to enter."
Caroline and one of El-Khalidy's other sons, Mohammed, stayed behind with Mahmoud, as did their six children. He said Mohammed and several of the children were also injured in the blast.
The oldest of Caroline's three children, a six-year-old girl, was the most seriously injured and is also in hospital, El-Khalidy said. He said he spoke with the child yesterday by phone and she asked him why he hadn't yet brought her to Canada. "She's afraid, she's scared," he said.
He said he wasn't able to reach family members in Gaza Wednesday, and the last time he spoke with them, he was told the Israeli military had ordered everyone to leave the hospital where his son was being treated. "What will happen with my son and my grandchildren? It is very horrible," he said.
El-Khalidy said his wife and six of his children who crossed into Egypt now have to come up with $17,000 — money his family doesn't have — for airfare to Canada.
He said the United States and Australia have done more to help family members of their residents to leave Gaza, and he wants Canada to do the same. "I need the Canadian government to bring my kids, my sons, my daughters here immediately," he said.
Global Affairs did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday afternoon.
With files from The Associated Press