Toronto police charge driver, 21, who allegedly did doughnuts at Yonge and Dundas
Man faces 5 charges, Toronto police say

Toronto police have charged a driver who allegedly did several doughnuts in the Yonge and Dundas intersection on Monday night.
In a news release on Wednesday night, police said they became aware of a vehicle stunt driving in the intersection at about 10:10 p.m.
The arrest comes after a black Mustang was seen in a video posted to social media performing doughnuts, which are stunts in circles at high speed, causing clouds of smoke.
Police allege that the vehicle was performing the stunts in the middle of the intersection.
Pedestrians were seen on the road trying to take videos of the vehicle and were barely missed as it continued to spin.
Other pedestrians were seen on the sidewalk moving back to avoid the vehicle.
As police approached, with emergency lights and sirens on, the driver fled.
Officers from 52 Division were able to identify the driver, 21, and he was arrested on Wednesday.
The man has been charged with: dangerous operation of a conveyance; mischief, endangering life; flight while pursued by a peace officer; drive motor vehicle on a highway while performing a stunt; and careless driving.
He is due in court on Thursday.
In the video, the black Mustang spins out, with its wheels squealing, at least fives times in the middle of the typically-busy intersection.
A vehicle appears to be blocking off the south side of Yonge Street during the stunt. About 20 seconds into the video, and after the car starts to drive south down Yonge Street, a police car is seen driving toward the vehicle with its lights and siren on.
Police are asking for witnesses or anyone with information to contact them.
Last week the City of Toronto said while there has been a dramatic drop in the volume of traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a large increase in speeding and stunt driving.
Toronto police reported a 35 per cent increase in speeding tickets from March 15 to 31 and a nearly 200 per cent increase in the number of stunt driving incidents compared to the same period last year.