Toronto Zoo giant panda cubs waddle around at 4 months old
Baby bears are 'becoming extremely mobile,' zoo says in release

An adorable pair of baby giant pandas were recently spotted walking around their enclosure at the Toronto Zoo.
Staff captured the clumsy steps on camera and posted it on their YouTube page. The two young bears were born in Toronto on Oct. 13, 2015.
The cubs turned four months old on Saturday and "are now taking solid steps and are becoming extremely mobile," the zoo said in a news release.
In the video, they waddle around their enclosure, sniff and climb over a small log.
The little pandas and their mother, Er Shun, are not yet on exhibit. The twin cubs are the first ever giant pandas born in Canada.
While visitors won't be able to catch a glimpse of the famous bears at Family Day at the Toronto Zoo, they can still catch many other animals on display. The zoo is open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.