TTC boosts service on busier routes, including 504 King streetcar

You may have a shorter wait for the bus today, as the TTC boosts service on half a dozen of the busiest routes across the city.
- TTC considering fare hike to help pay for $95M shortfall
- Service improvements coming to 61 TTC bus routes
Additional buses will see the 127 Davenport turn into an all-day route, now running every 20 minutes.
The 165 Weston Road North and 96 Wilson routes will also become more frequent, with buses running every 10 minutes — or less — all day. The boost makes transit more reliable, but should also make those buses less crowded, the TTC said.
And for those commuters constantly looking for a seat on the sardine can that can be the 504 King streetcar, you're in luck.
More streetcars there also launched today, meaning that your chance of getting a seat on your ride to work on Monday just went up a notch.
Toronto city council approved a $95-million improvement budget for the TTC this year, some of which has gone toward these upgrades, according to a media release from the commission.