TTC bus appears to run red light in Scarborough
Dashboard camera video posted to YouTube

Another dashboard camera video has been posted on YouTube that appears to show a TTC bus running a red light.
The bus was travelling southbound on Morningside Avenue at Ellesmere Road in Scarborough last Monday night, according to someone who uploaded a video of traffic at the intersection the following day.
The traffic is shown stopped when a TTC vehicle moves through the intersection a second or two after the light turns red. The changing light can be seen on the right side of the dashcam at 1:39 into the video.
The dashcam shows the time of recording as shortly after 8 p.m. The person posting the video writes that it was actually an hour earlier, but the clock on the device was not adjusted to reflect the recent change from daylight saving time to standard.
Last month, the TTC said it took "immediate" action against one of its bus drivers after a dashboard camera captured a public transit bus being driven through a red light in Mimico.
The TTC says it will be reviewing the latest video.