TTC fare hike likely in 2016 but price of Metropass could be frozen
Raising fares will help plug $53 million shortfall, TTC budget committee says

The TTC is looking at raising fares in 2016 to help cope with a projected $53 million dollar shortfall, but Metropass users could get a break from rising costs.
On Monday, the commission's budget committee explored several scenarios for fare increases including:
- 25 cents per cash ride, bringing the single fare to $3.25
- 10 cents on all fares, including day passes, seniors fares, and student fares
But the committee also voted against raising the cost of the Metropass.
Coun. Joe Mihevc, a member of the TTC's budget committee, said a fare increase is inevitable, but added he hopes it's "as small as possible."
"TTC users have had fare increases for years and it does eat into ridership in a significant way," Mihevc said.
"If we want to get people out of cars and on to public transit, fare increases are an impediment to that policy direction. We'd do that only as a last resort or if we're pushed by a lack of funding from the province and city hall."
Brenda Thompson, co-chair of the transit rider advocacy group TTCriders, agreed with Mihevc.
"If we really want to get behind public transit, we're going to have to fund it properly and stop putting all the pressure on riders to pay for it," she said. "We need to get the city on board with properly funding the TTC."
The committee voted to begin subway service approximately one hour earlier on Sundays, at approximately 8:00 a.m., beginning on Jan. 3, 2016, reasoning that the early start "would decrease travel times, improve service quality, and enhance urban mobility for customers across the city."
The TTC increased its token and Metropass fares last January, at the same time it announced children under 12-years-old could use the service for free. Metropasses now cost $141.50 per month, while each token costs $2.80.
Mayor John Tory promised to freeze fares last year, a promise he was unable to keep.