More TTC service cuts are coming Sunday. Here's what you need to know
Service being reduced by about 1,238 weekly hours compared to March: memo

Another round of TTC service cuts is in store beginning Sunday that will result in longer wait times for riders on Line 1, at least one streetcar route and some bus routes.
Wait times will increase on Line 1 every day of the week. There is no change to scheduled service on Line 2, 3 or 4.
"The TTC's strategy is matching service to demand to ensure we are meeting the needs of our customers — we remain focused on delivering more frequent service to the areas across the city that need it most," the agency said in an email on Friday.
In a memo to its board dated May 1, the TTC said it is reducing service by about 1,238 weekly hours this month compared to March.
The reason for the changes? The agency said in a news release on Wednesday it's "introducing new schedules on some routes to improve reliability along busy corridors, add seasonal service to key city attractions, better align capacity with ridership demand and accommodate construction across the city."
Some, including TTCrider member Chloe Tangpongprush, worry the changes will mean fewer people want to use transit.
"Once service cuts are made, it discourages riders from taking transit. If your bus is less reliable, if it comes less frequently, then you might not take it as often, and that gives the TTC basically more reasoning to push forward with more cuts in the future," Tangpongprush said.
"This is just the beginning of what could be to come."
TTC spokesperson Stuart Green defended the cuts on Friday, saying the TTC has regained about 70 per cent of its ridership compared to the years before the pandemic, but is currently delivering 90 per cent of its service levels from that same time period.
"No one likes to wait longer," Green said. "But our commitment is to make sure that we're providing the most service we can at the busiest times of day on the busiest routes."
Line 1 riders to wait longer for trains
If you use Yonge-University Line 1, be prepared to wait longer for a train.
Wait times on Line 1 will increase from three minutes to as long as four minutes during weekday morning and evening rush hour.
- You can find the full list of changes here
In the afternoon, you could be waiting six minutes for a train.
After 10 p.m. to the end of service, wait times may may be five to eight minutes. And on weekends, riders can expect wait times to reach up to 8 minutes.
Construction affecting handful of streetcar routes
Some streetcar routes are also being adjusted to accommodate construction.
Ontario Line construction has shut down a section of Queen Street, from Bay to Victoria streets, for the next 4.5 years. 501 Queen streetcars will operate both ways via Queen Street West, McCaul Street, Dundas Street, Broadview Avenue, and Queen Street.

The TTC has implemented a 501B bus route that will operate on Queen Street between Bathurst Street and Broadview Avenue and will divert via Bay Street, Richmond/King Street East and West, and Church Street.
As for the 301 Queen overnight service, it will be replaced with buses, diverting via Bay Street, Richmond/King Street East and West, and Church Street. Buses will arrive every 30 minutes.
Other streetcar routes with service changes include:
- 504/304 King.
- 505 Dundas.
- 506/306 Carlton.
As for the 512 St Clair, the TTC says 512 St Clair streetcars and 47A/512 St Clair replacement buses will arrive every 10 minutes or sooner.
Several bus routes to see adjustments
The TTC is also cutting service on some routes while it adds service on other routes, including those that serve some major shopping areas and those that open up seasonally.
Bus routes with service adjustments in May are as follows:
- 19 Bay.
- 20 Cliffside.
- 22A Coxwell.
- 23 Dawes.
- 32 Eglinton West (starting on Monday, May 8).
- Service on the 38B and 938 Highland Creek (starting on Monday, May8).
- 47 Lansdowne.
- 52 Lawrence West.
- 54 Lawrence East.
- 56 Leaside/83 Jones.
- 62 Mortimer.
- 64 Main and 87 Cosburn.
- 65 Parliament (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 70 O'Connor (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 73 Royal York (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 75 Sherbourne (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 76 Royal York South (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 79 Scarlett Road (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 80 Queensway.
- 85 Sheppard East.
- 92 Woodbine Sought.
- 93 York Mills.
- 102 Markham Road (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 112 West Mall (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 113 Danforth.
- 116 Morningside.
- 129 McCowan North (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 131 Nugget (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 134 Progress.
- 135 Gerrard.
- 335 Jane.
- 336 Finch West.
- 339 Finch East.
- 396 Wilson.
- 902 Markham Road Express (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 905 Eglinton East Express (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 927 Highway 27 Express (starting on Monday, May 8).
- 937 Islington Express.
- 925 Lawrence West Express.
- 985 Sheppard East Express.
- 995 York Mills (starting on Monday, May 8).
A new seasonal route, the 200 Toronto Zoo, will travel between Rouge Hill GO Station and Toronto Zoo by Port Union Road and Sheppard Avenue East. It will operate Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. every 20 minutes, with weekday service expected to start in June.
Similarly, the TTC says it's rebranding the 175 Bluffer's Park and the 172 Cherry Beach bus services to the 201 Bluffer's Park and 202 Cherry Beach buses respectively to "give more prominence and clarity to TTC's seasonal service."
With files from Talia Ricci, Vanessa Balintec and Muriel Draaisma