1992 memorabilia unsealed from Windsor time capsule
When Windsor sealed its time capsule in 1992, the Toronto Blue Jays won the World Series

It was the year of troll dolls and super soakers. Right Said Fred dominated air waves with I'm Too Sexy and viewers tuned in each week to watch the television shows Roseanne and Home Improvement.
In Windsor, a team of residents sealed away memorabilia from 1992 in a time metal W-shaped capsule with plans to open it during the city's 125th birthday celebrations.
More than 100 items, including a "VCR Tape"
Mayor Drew Dilkens helped unveil the time capsule Tuesday morning, along with members of the 1992 Centennial Committee.
The committee held events throughout the year, marking the centennial birthday. For the 150th, city officials started to look for the capsule, but couldn't find it for months. Eventually, by chance, they found it in the parking garage at Chatham and Goyeau streets.
"This W perplexed us for months," Dilkens told the crowd. "We couldn't find the time capsule."
Crowbars and drills open up the capsule... <a href="https://t.co/NjWb7NfgSy">pic.twitter.com/NjWb7NfgSy</a>
Former Windsor mayor Mike Hurst wrote a letter to the future head of the city and left it in the capsule. Dilkens read the letter as items were pulled from the giant metal capsule.
"My hope, and the hope of all members of city council and all of our citizens, is that the time between when I write this message and when you read it will have been kind to Windsor and her people," Hurst wrote.
Here are a few notable events from 1992:
- Silence of the Lambs won Oscar for best picture
- Most watched TV shows: Roseanne and Home Improvement
- Best selling book: John Grisham's Pelican Brief
- Movie releases: A Few Good Men and A League of Their Own

The 1992 time capsule included a host of memorabilia, including a CBC Radio coffee mug, a negative from the Windsor Star and an image of the Windsor-built Chrysler minivan.
Andrea Grimes (née Ryall) was on the time capsule committee 25 years ago. She's here to see it reopened. "In those days, there was no email" <a href="https://t.co/JRXsbrXsAF">pic.twitter.com/JRXsbrXsAF</a>