Dirty yards, tree maintenance top 311 calls in Windsor
The city took more calls for service about dirty yards and tree maintenance in the last 3 months of 2018 than any other municipal issue.
City took close to 1,000 complaints about dirty yards

The city took more calls for service about dirty yards and tree maintenance in the last three months of 2018 than any other municipal issue.
There were 948 calls about dirty yards and 672 for tree maintenance. Both numbers were down slightly from the end of 2017 when there were 993 and 737 calls respectively.
"It's nice to see the number of tree calls come down a little," said City Forester Paul Giroux. "We've worked hard to get to all the urgent issues and as many of the proactive projects as possible, but there's obviously still plenty of work to be done, and these calls help."
Garbage service was also high on the complaint list. There were 590 calls about garbage not being collected.