Advance polling numbers down in Windsor
A total of 5,348 voters participated in the advance vote across five days, according to numbers released by the City of Windsor.
1,434 fewer people showed up to the advance polls than in 2014

Just under 5,500 people in Windsor turned out to cast their ballots during the recent advance polling for the upcoming municipal election.
- #WEvotes - Meet the people running for council in Windsor
- #WEvotes - CBC Windsor's municipal election coverage
A total of 5,348 voters participated in the advance vote across five days, according to numbers released by the City of Windsor.
The advance vote was held at five locations across the city — one less than during the 2014 election.
- Saturday, Oct. 6 at Devonshire Mall
- Tuesday, Oct. 9 at the Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex
- Wednesday, Oct. 10 at the Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre
- Thursday, Oct. 11 at Central Park Athletics
- Saturday, Oct. 13 at the WFCU Centre
1,434 fewer people showed up to Windsor's advance polls than in 2014 — a 21 per cent drop.
Click here to find out where you can vote in Windsor on Oct. 22