New study could mean small victory for movement to restore Assumption Church
Comprehensive analysis will be conducted to study restoration options
As members of the Assumption Parish celebrated the final 250th anniversary event, they also celebrated the start of what could be a "move forward."
Ronald Peter Fabbro, the Roman Catholic Bishop of London announced that an independent study would be conducted to analyze the options to restore Assumption Church.
"There is nowhere that I go that I am not asked, 'Bishop, what are we going to do with Assumption Church?'... I certainly want the best for the church," he said.
Fabbro was approached by a Windsor lawyer, Paul Mullins, who wanted to do a comprehensive analysis on the situation and thought this would be beneficial for the church's future.

"I am really pleased that the Bishop agreed," said Mullins. "Before we know what direction to go, we have to put together a lot of facts and the more facts we can determine, the clearer it will become as to the best solution."
The analysis will include a study of the demographic in the northwest corner of the city, an updated analysis cost of the restoration of Assumption Church, and a study on the previous fundraising efforts to figure out what worked and what didn't.
Mullins says he will even be looking at the cost of building a new church "to measure the choices that can be made."
It's hard to put a timeframe on how long the analysis could take, says Mullins. He's offering his services free of charge as a gift to the community and the diocese.
The final celebration of Assumption Parish's 250th anniversary is happening now at the Caboto Club <a href="">@CBCWindsor</a> <a href=""></a>
Members of the parish cheered after the announcement was made at the 250th anniversary gala held at the Caboto Club. The lunch was sold out.
The celebration on Sunday afternoon showcased Biblioasis's newest book "250 Years of Assumption Parish" written by Sharon Hanna and Daniel Wells. A four-minute-long trailer was released on an upcoming documentary about Assumption Church.
"We want to do justice to the 250-year church and the parish. We owe it to the people who have worked hard to make this building such a big part of our community," Mullins said. "We also wanted to do justice to the future generations as well, so hopefully we can find the right solutions."
Mullins says that while he isn't exactly sure what will come from this study — he is "absolutely hopeful."