Dalson Chen

Dalson Chen is a video journalist at CBC Windsor. He is a graduate of the University of Guelph and Ryerson University (Toronto Metropolitan University). His past areas of coverage have included arts, crime, courts, municipal affairs, and human interest. He can be reached via dalson.chen@cbc.ca.

Latest from Dalson Chen

Windsor's pothole problem is aggravated by the freeze-thaw weather. Is there anything you can do?

Windsor has a pothole problem. With the recent freeze-thaw winter conditions, more are popping up overnight. If you bear any damage from them, there's little recourse available for you at the City of Windsor.
Ontario Votes 2025

Ontario Votes 2025: Health care a priority among Chatham-Kent-Leamington candidates

Six candidates are seeking to represent the riding of Chatham-Kent-Leamington.

Hold off on permanent solutions to Twin Oaks traffic problem, says city report

Traffic patterns in the Twin Oaks business park are expected to normalize after the NextStar Energy site has begun operating in mid-2025, according to the City of Windsor. But Ward 9 councillor Kieran McKenzie says immediate action is needed.

YMCA to move into University of Windsor's downtown campus

The ground floor of the University of Windsor's building at 300 Ouellette Ave. will be the new home of the downtown Windsor YMCA's newcomer settlement and learning services.

Pedestrian dead in Tuesday night crash on Twin Oaks Drive

Windsor police say a 47-year-old woman was killed by a pickup truck on the roadway leading into the Twin Oaks business park on the evening of Jan. 21.

Former student trustee chosen to fill English public board vacancy

It was only three years ago that Malek Mekawi was a high school student under the Greater Essex County District School Board — which he now joins as a trustee to replace Sarah Cipkar, who left the board in November citing personal and professional commitments.

Meet the man on a quest to review every pizzeria in Windsor-Essex

For the past year, Mike Zakoor of LaSalle, Ont., has been posting pizza reviews on his Instagram account, Shredded Pep. It's his record of his ongoing quest to try every pizzeria in the Windsor-Essex region.

Special Olympics powerlifter to be honoured with team jump at LaSalle police's first polar plunge

A team of polar plungers will celebrate Special Olympics athlete Austin Clapp by jumping into freezing cold water on Jan. 23. That's the date of the first polar plunge event to be hosted by LaSalle police.

The city of Windsor buys vacant west end school in the hopes it will become housing

The City of Windsor now owns the former St. Michael's Catholic High School in the west end — and Ward 2 Coun. Fabio Costante says part of the reason for the purchase was to prevent private investors from buying it and letting it rot.

Looming increase in postage rates worrying for Windsor small business owners

As of Jan. 13, the cost of Canadian stamps and other mail products is spiking 25 per cent. It's so dramatic an increase that Windsor convenience store owner Donald Chang has been warning his customers: If you use a lot of stamps, buy them now — before the price jump.