Rob Heydari
Rob Heydari has worked in jobs ranging from cleaning up oil spills to fixing phone lines, but all those roads eventually led to being a CBC News reporter and jack-of-all-trades.
Latest from Rob Heydari
Group farming for eggs in the county to avoid running afoul of Windsor bylaws
More than a dozen Windsorites have banded together to raise chickens and harvest their eggs in Essex County in a bid to avoid Windsor's bylaws.
Canada -Windsor |
Windsor 16-year-old wins national science contest
Tasnia Nabil, 16, won $5,000 and a trip to San Diego in a national science competition for her work on a potential cancer therapy.
Canada -Windsor |
Pull over for the flashing green lights, say firefighters
Firefighters are calling for the public to be more aware of what the flashing green lights in a personal car signal -- that a volunteer firefighter is on their way to respond to an emergency call.
Canada -Windsor |
E.L.K. wins battle with Hydro One over power supply for Sellick Equipment
Sellick Equipment Ltd. may finally be able to power equipment at their new facility in Harrow, after the Ontario Energy Board issued a decision allowing the manufacturer to be serviced by E.L.K. Energy.
Canada -Windsor |
No hydro service causes expensive delays for Harrow, Ont. manufacturer
Sellick Equipment in Harrow can't get electricity at its new factory, even though it's just down the street from the old one. Their old factory is served by E.L.K. Energy, the new one is in Hydro One territory. A year after requesting the new factory be served by E.L.K., the Ontario Energy Board still has not made a decision.
Canada -Windsor |

Dogs hunt for easter eggs in Windsor
On Friday, Malden Park hosted their annual Easter egg hunt for dogs in support of National Service Dogs. The organization provides certified service animals to people living with autism and post traumatic stress disorder.
Canada -Windsor |

Dozens rally in support of Hearing Society workers in Windsor
CUPE held a rally in support of striking workers at the Canadian Hearing Society in Windsor on Friday. Unionized staff there been off the job since March 6.
Canada -Windsor |

Deaf Windsorites struggle without sign language interpreters during strike
Three weeks into a strike by Canadian Hearing Society workers, members of Windsor's deaf community are starting to feel the impact of going without services — some said they've even had to cancel medical appointments because of limited access to interpreters.
Canada -Windsor |

Pharmacy robberies continue to plague Windsor
Despite months of work to reduce the risk of robberies for Windsor area pharmacies, thieves continue to target them often in search of opioids.
Canada -Windsor |

Southwestern Ontario public schools cancel field trips to U.S.
The Greater Essex County District School Board has cancelled student trips to the U.S. for the rest of February, citing uncertainty over whether all students would be allowed to cross the border given questions over Trump's executive order.
Canada -Windsor |