Bulk furniture pickup now available in Windsor
Residents can call 311 to have unwanted items collected for a fee

Starting Friday, Windsor residents can call 311 to arrange for collection and pickup of unwanted bulk furniture from their curbside.
The program stems from City Council's decision to spend $37,000 on large item pickup during 2016 budget deliberations. It's intended to help Windsorites who can't take larger items to the landfill on their own.
Council decided to fund the new program after advocates for some inner-city neighbourhoods said it could stop people from illegally dumping their larger garbage.
Each garbage pickup zone in Windsor will have one collection cycle for bulk items each month. A maximum of two items will be accepted per pickup, at a cost of $20 per item, tax included.
Appointments need to be booked by calling the City's 311 call centre.
Items accepted for pickup must adhere to the following criteria, according to the City of Windsor.
- Items must weigh 90 kg (200 lbs.) and under.
- Items cannot be wider than 1.2 m (4 ft).
- Items cannot be longer than 2.4 m (8 ft).
- Items must be able to be lifted by a two person work crew.
- No bulk items will be picked up in garbage bags.
Any items intended for bulk pickup can't be left at the curb before 7 p.m. the night before, and must be out for collection before 6 a.m. the day of scheduled pickup. The City will not pick up bulk furniture from alleys.
According to the City, items such as kitchen appliances, electronics, tires or toilets will not be accepted for collection.
A complete list of acceptable and unacceptable items is available on the City of Windsor's website.
The bulk pickup program is seasonal and expected to wrap up by the end of November 2017.