Concerns raised about proposed west-end bus terminal
New terminal at Tayfour Campus would replace College Avenue terminal
The proposed location of a new west-end bus terminal is causing concern among some neighbouring residents.
The terminal would be built on the northwest corner of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare on Prince Road.
Renee Thibert lives across the street. She's worried about the "added chaos" the busy bus terminal will create.
"Lots of noise. Some more traffic, and pollution. I don't think it's a good location," said Thibert.
She was one of a number of people who turned out to an open house information session Thursday night at the Tayfour Campus.
"This is certainly one of the reasons we are here is to talk to the residents," said Pat Delmore, Executive Director of Transit Windsor.
Delmore says the city is buying 24 buses that run on clean diesel and added the buses won't linger long at the site.
However, there would be 86 more buses a day going by Thibert's house — bringing the total up to almost 200.

There are still a number of steps Transit Windsor has to take before the terminal can be built there.
There will be more public consultation, an environmental assessment and design phase. The terminal will cost $750,000, about a third of which will come from the federal government.
Delmore believes the site is ideal for several of reasons — riders will be able to relax at the hospital cafeteria if they have a lay over, college and university health care students will be able to take the bus directly to their placements there, and it would be a fare generator.
"We're trying to set this up as a western anchor for all of our systems. Whether it's a regional western anchor or with regards to all of our routes within the city," said Delmore.
College Avenue terminal to be replaced
He added the terminal will replace the one on College Avenue which services four routes: Transway 1C, Crosstown 2, Central 3 and South Windsor 7.
Some slight alterations to the routes will be made to bring the buses to the Tayfour Campus.
The Town of Tecumseh also held an open house Thursday night to discuss improvements to its bus system. The public can make comments until March 16.