Number of fully vaccinated Windsor-Essex residents surpasses those with one dose
The Downtown Mission is experiencing another COVID-19 outbreak

This weekend, the number of people with two doses of a vaccine surpassed those with only one dose, according to data from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.
There are currently more than 142,000 Windsor-Essex County residents who have received both doses of a vaccine, while 129,055 have a single dose. This is the first time since the start of the vaccination rollout that there are more people who are fully vaccinated.
Between Saturday and Sunday, the health unit reported 14 new cases of COVID-19.
Of the new cases, seven were acquired from the community, three are close contacts of a confirmed case, two are still under investigation, one is outbreak-related and one is related to travel outside of North America.
There are currently 56 active COVID-19 cases in the region, 10 of which are variants of concern.
Nine people are hospitalized with the disease.
There are also two active outbreaks. One is at a manufacturing workplace in Lakeshore and another is at The Downtown Mission.
Outbreak at The Downtown Mission
According to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit's website, an outbreak was declared at The Downtown Mission —one of Windsor's largest homeless shelters — on Thursday.
The health unit has not said how many people have tested positive from the outbreak, but executive director of the Mission Ron Dunn told CBC News one staff member tested positive.
This came after the Mission accepted a guest from a hospital, who had also tested positive, but has now recovered.
According to Dunn, both individuals got the virus from the community.

This is The Downtown Mission's second outbreak since the pandemic begin.
The first outbreak began in February and led the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit to order the facility closed. To accommodate those experiencing homelessness, the city created a temporary shelter at Windsor's International Aquatic and Training Centre.
By the end of March, The Downtown Mission was able to reopen its shelter and the outbreak was declared over on April 1.
"Last time, we just weren't prepared," Dunn said. "It's different, I'm not, I guess, as worried about it as I was last time."
Dunn said they have a high number of guests who are fully vaccinated. Though he doesn't know for sure, he estimates about 150 have had both doses of the vaccine.
But, as a precaution, Dunn said they will have mass testing take place sometime this week.
COVID-19 in Chatham-Kent, Sarnia-Lambton
Chatham-Kent Public Health does not update its website on the weekends, but as of Friday there were two active cases in the region and one person is in hospital with the disease. There are no active outbreaks in the area.
Meanwhile, in Sarnia-Lambton, there are 38 active COVID-19 cases and one active outbreak, according to the Lambton Public Health website.