42 students dismissed from Leamington Catholic middle school after COVID-19 case
The board says the health unit will notify close contacts

Two cohorts from a middle school in Leamington have been dismissed following a positive COVID-19 case in a student, according to the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board.
In a news release Monday, the school board said 42 students have been dismissed from Cardinal Carter Catholic Middle School in Leamington. The case, the board said, was confirmed Monday and students were told not to return to class on Tuesday.
The school board said it has provided the health unit with lists of students and staff who may have been directly affected. The health unit will get in touch with close contacts and provide them with directions to follow.
Anyone not contacted by the health unit has not been identified as a close contact, the board said.
"We want to assure parents that we are cooperating with the health unit and doing everything we can to make sure that we continue to provide safe and healthy learning environments for their children," reads the news release.
This is the third Catholic school that has COVID-19 cases. St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School has a positive staff case and one class has been dismissed, and Catholic Central High School has an active student case with one class dismissed.