CBC Windsor June 9 COVID-19 update: 43 new cases
The Windsor Essex County Health Unit no longer gives daily live video updates

The Windsor Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) reported 43 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, with 34 of those cases in "workers tested as part of proactive testing related to case and contact management" in our area.
No new deaths were reported.
"The initiative from Ontario Health and supported by local health system partners to do mass testing in agri-food sector and the drive-thru testing led by WECHU will lead to a temporary rise in the number of new cases in our region," said medical officer of health Dr. Wajid Ahmed, in a media statement.
A seniors' home in the region is back under a COVID-19 outbreak after previously being cleared.
Country Village Homes, a long-term care home in Woodslee, is back under an outbreak after one staff member tested positive for the disease.
The health unit announced Monday they would no longer be providing daily COVID-19 live updates each morning, and would instead provide current numbers through its website. A live video update will occur on Friday's when medical officer of health Dr. Wajid Ahmed presents the epidemiological summary report for our region.
Random testing will be available in LaSalle on Tuesday at the Vollmer Complex from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The drive-thru testing sites will be available on Wednesday in Lakeshore and Thursday in Leamington.
Over the weekend, 15 new cases of COVID-19 were reported for our area.
One more person has died from the disease — a 24-year-old migrant farm worker. His death occurred over the weekend.
Province's phase 2 reopening begins, but not in Windsor-Essex
As the provincial government moves ahead with the second phase of its reopening plan, Windsor-Essex is among the regions that will need to wait.
On Monday, Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced 24 of Ontario's 34 public health units will be allowed to move into Phase 2. In those areas, restaurants, bars and food trucks will be able to open for outdoor dining on patios and in parking lots or adjacent premises.
Windsor-Essex, however, is among the 10 health unit regions not included on the list.
On Tuesday, Ahmed told CBC News that he advises against Windsorites travelling to other regions that are re-opening, unless essential. He added that people should consider the risks involved and be responsible.
However, as of Friday the restriction on social gatherings will increase from no more than five people up to 10 people. This is effective across the province including Windsor-Essex.
Places of worship are also allowed to open as long as physical distancing is met and attendance is no more than 30 per cent of the building capacity at any given time.
Assessment centre for migrant workers opens, following 2 COVID-19 deaths
As migrant workers plead for a safer work environment in Canada, a new COVID-19 assessment centre where health-care workers will swab, test and provide care for about 8,000 workers in the region is opening its doors.
The centre at the Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Centre — formerly Leamington's recreational complex — will aim to test about 500 to 600 workers per day. They'll arrive on a bus to have their temperature checked and get swabbed for the virus.
If a worker is deemed symptomatic, they will be attended to by a nurse practitioner or physician in a makeshift clinic within the assessment centre. If not, they will get back on the bus.
"Our assessment centre in town has been open for a couple of months already, but may not be easily accessible to people who don't have easy transportation or are working during the day," said Dr. Ross Moncur, interim CEO for Erie Shores HealthCare.
Windsor-Essex's migrant worker situation has emphasized the need for systemic changes, said Ahmed, which includes assessing workers' accommodations, along with managing language and culture barriers.
In the short-term, Ahmed said they are focused on immediate supports like contact-tracing and management of cases.
Testing centres open 7 days a week
The health unit said testing is available at two assessment centres in Windsor-Essex. People that have at least one symptom of the virus, and people who are asymptomatic but are at risk of contracting the virus can be tested.
Windsor Regional Hospital has went back to usual testing hours, after briefly extending them due to an increase in the volume of people looking to be tested.
The assessment centre at the Ouellette Campus next to the Emergency Department is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
The assessment centre at Erie Shores HealthCare is open from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
COVID-19 in Sarnia-Lambton
Lambton Public Health reported 270 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the region. Overall, 25 people have died.
Another 229 people have recovered.
An outbreak at Vision Nursing Home in Sarnia continues with 26 residents in total testing positive for the disease and 27 staff members.
Ten residents in total have died at Vision Nursing Home.
COVID-19 in Chatham-Kent
Chatham-Kent's health unit reported 148 cases of COVID-19 for that community, with the majority of them linked to an outbreak at Greenhill Produce.
There are now 103 workers at the facility who have tested positive for COVID-19. An outbreak was investigated at the end of April, when about 40 cases of the disease were discovered among workers at the greenhouse operation.
Only three of those cases are still active, according to CK Public Health. Another 100 workers have recovered.
In Chatham-Kent, one person has died due to COVID-19 and 140 people have recovered.
A mobile drive-thru for COVID-19 testing will take place in Wallaceburg from Thursday to Saturday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The clinic is for anyone wishing to be swabbed and will be located in the front parking lot of Chatham-Kent Health Alliance's Wallaceburg site at 325 Margaret Avenue.
Those seeking to receive a test are required to bring a valid health card.