CS Wind employees unionize, join Ironworkers Local 721

Employees at CS Wind in Windsor have unionized.
Employees are now part of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron-workers, Local 721.
CS Wind employs 482 employees. Managers, human resource personnel, foremen and office, clerical and sales staff are not part of the Ironworkers Union.
CS Wind called the process fair and equitable and welcomes "a harmonious working relationship with the Ironworkers Local 721."
"New to Canada in 2011, CS Wind had some 'growing pains' because of the cultural differences. With an increasing number of Canadians joining the management team, this has shifted and we look to groups such as the [Ontario Labour Relations Board] to help steer us in new directions," CS Wind Canada's newly appointed director of corporate affairs Jeff Heath said in a news release.
Heath sees "many positives" in the collective bargaining process.
"This is a positive for the employees of CS Wind Canada. It provides a greater sense of security and [ensures] fairness for all," Heath said. "Collective bargaining is as much a positive for the employer as it is for the employee because it clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of the worker and the employer."