Windsor cyclists beware, city identifies most dangerous intersections
Nearly 500 collisions involving cyclists city wide in five years, according to police figures

The intersection at Lauzon Parkway and Tecumseh Road East had more collisions involving cyclists than any other in the city, according to the latest figures from the city.
Seven collisions involving cyclists occurred at the intersection between 2011 and 2015. Three other intersections were also identified in the report.
Nearly 500 cyclist collisions were recorded in Windsor in the five-year period, according to the staff report. Of those, 273 were at an intersection.
City staff recommend conducting safety audits at the four intersections with repeated collisions by hiring a consultant at an estimated cost of $20,000.
"Cycling collisions are an issue of special concern," according to the staff report going to council Monday.
There were five accidents involving cyclists at two other intersections:
- Tecumseh Road East and Windsor Avenue
- Drouillard Road and Wyandotte Street East.
The intersection at Walker Road and Ypres Avenue saw four cyclist collisions between 2011 and 2015.