11 opioid overdoses in a week in Windsor-Essex
Number of overdoses above 5-year average for that period, WECOSS says

A recent increase in the number of opioid-related emergency department visits and calls to EMS have prompted an alert from the Windsor-Essex Community Opioid & Substance Strategy (WECOSS).
The group says there were 11 opioid overdoses recorded, eight of which involved fentanyl, between July 28 and Aug. 3.
"These values exceed our two and five-year historical averages for the current time-frame in question," WECOSS said in a media release.
Nine of the opioid overdoses were reported by Windsor Regional Hospital, and the remaining two by Erie Shores Healthcare.
The notification system also identified 18 substance-use-related EMS calls, all of which were made over seven consecutive days.
Seven non-opioid overdoses, all involving fentanyl, were also reported by Windsor Regional Hospital during the same timeframe.