Here's what you need to know about applying for flood recovery assistance
Document damage and keep those receipts

Here are a few tips for homeowners in Chatham-Kent as the flood waters recede and the cleanup begins.
A provincial assessment team still needs to evaluate whether people whose homes were flooded will be able to apply for disaster recovery assistance, but this list will help make sure you're ready if applications open.
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The Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians program is meant to cover emergency expenses and the costs of repairing or replacing essential items after a natural disaster.
What the program covers
- The program offers partial financial assistance for essential items such as fridges or furnaces.
- Financial help is limited to $250,000 per application.
- The program does not offer financial assistance for any costs covered by insurance.

Before beginning cleanup
- Document damage with photos.
Evidence for applications
- Keep receipts for all items purchased to replace damaged property.
- Keep receipts and invoices for all costs related to the disaster.
- Keep a written log of time spent cleaning up.

Soaked items starting to stink?
Chatham-Kent officials are still working to finalize details of a flood cleanup plan to remove mud and debris from swamped areas. Municipality spokesperson, Jim Blake, said once the water recedes curbside cleanup for flood damaged items will be a top priority.