Dog attacks dog, bites owner in downtown Windsor
The attack happened early Friday evening

A dog looks to be on the mend, but is still a few days from coming home after being attacked in downtown Windsor Friday.
It could have been worse — "she could have been dead," said dog owner Joe McParland.
His dog, a greyhound named Vici, was attacked by another dog around 5:30 p.m. in the 1400 block of Ouellette Avenue.
McParland, Vici and another dog named Tessie were out for a walk when a smaller dog broke free from its owner and clamped its jaws on Vici's neck.
"There was blood spurting everywhere," said McParland who started kicking the dog to try to get it to let go.
"At one point, I was looking right into the eyes of my dog, and I could see the terror in her eyes. I could see the life leaving her."
At that point, McParland said "heart trumped reason" and he grabbed the attacking dog around the torso and ripped it free of Vici.
"I threw the attacking dog to the ground and grabbed its leash," said McParland who ended up with a few punctures in his hand as a result.

"At that point, some guy came running across the street screaming at me to give him his dog and that I shouldn't have been kicking his dog," said McParland.
McParland said the guy seemed to want to fight him, but a "bunch of people" came to his rescue to help McParland call police, hang on to the attacking dog and his own two dogs.
Windsor police and emergency services responded and cleaned McParland's hand.
"The EMS people were outstanding," said McParland, adding that they cleaned Vici's wounds while he went home for his vehicle to be able to take her to the vet.
"The vet assures me there's nothing life threatening about this, it's all pain control and healing at this point. She had some deep tissue injuries."
Vici did have a fever and had surgery to stitch up her wounds.
"I have some serious concerns about what happened," said McParland, who said he found out the dog had already attacked another dog earlier in the day. From what McParland understands, the owner is homeless and falls asleep on the steps of downtown businesses, which is how the dog gets away.
The attacking dog is currently being held in quarantine at the Windsor Essex County Humane Society. According to the humane society, it's standard to hold a dog in quarantine after it has bitten someone else, but usually that quarantine is at the owner's home for 10-12 days.
Windsor police charged the dog owner under Windsor bylaw 245-2004, section 14, which states no owner shall permit a dog to bite another animal without provocation. The fine attached is $800.
"Fortunately she didn't die," said McParland about his dog. He's also on antibiotics to avoid infection from the bites he received.
"I'm 6-foot-two, 240 pounds. I worry about other people," said McParland. "I worry about smaller dogs."
A GoFundMe was started by McParland's friend to assist with vet bills for Vici. The fund exceeded the target goal within about ten hours.
"The response of the community has been outstanding," said McParland. He said any extra funds raised will be donated to the Windsor Greyhound Pets of Canada group.
"I don't want to see this dog put down," said McParland. "I want to see it in a home that will take care of it."