Businesses open hearts to those in need at the Downtown Mission
More than 60K in donations of food, clothing and backpacks

Getting a warm pair of boots and a backpack full of essential toiletries and other items made Nancy Zaborek's Christmas this year.
"So it makes me all the more grateful," said Zaborek, one of 300 people who lined up at the Downtown Mission Tuesday for winter clothing, food items, gift cards and backpacks full of necessities.
"It's always amazing to me, even during COVID times and everybody's kind of struggling, businesses aren't doing so great themselves. So to have them come out and and still remember those that are struggling even more than they might be, it's pretty special, and it speaks to the heart of Windsor-Essex," said Rev. Ron Dunn, executive director of the Downtown Mission.
Megan Rock, co-owner of Rocksolid Windows and Doors organized the giveaway because she saw a need in the community.

"I just always wanted to help them and kinda give back," said Rock.
Besides Rocksolid Windows and Doors the other businesses that donated were: Conquer Construction and Drilling Technologies Ltd., Hurricane Hydrovac, Ottawa Street Dental, Chase Transportation and Logistics Ltd., TCI Titan Contracting Inc., Bondy Insurance, Marda Management, Wayne's Custom Woodcraft Ltd. and Ezee Wheelz Auto Sales and Leasing.
The donations totalled $66,000, which included a cash donation to the mission of $3,500.