Drainage systems to blame for LaSalle flooding: Study
Recommendations come with a $15-million price tag

'Deficient' private drainage systems and insufficient storm sewer capacity are to blame for major flooding in parts of LaSalle in recent years, according to a study presented at council Tuesday night.
Consulting firm Stantec outlined the causes for the August 2014 and July 2015 floods that affected the areas of Heritage Estates and Oliver Farms. The recommendations in that report come with a price tag of about $15-million.
"We've been presented with a solution," said LaSalle Mayor Ken Antaya. "Now, if we can modify that solution so that the cost can be mitigated somehow, well, we`ll look at that."
Cracked pipes, sump pump failure, and tree roots on private properties were in part to blame for basement flooding in the area the report said.
"You have to be responsible first for your own property and that was something that came out loud and clear in the report," Antaya said. "Don't ignore what's happening on your own property."
The report recommendations include underground water storage in the form of a dry pond in Heritage Estates, and improved storm sewer systems to help alleviate drainage on personal property.
"You have a whole municipality to run and you just can't put in a Cadillac in every subdivision," said Antaya, adding that the town will also look at applying for provincial assistance.
The report was accepted by council, and the public now has 30 days to submit any comments or views for consideration.