Exotic pets banned in Essex
Residents who currently own exotic pets can keep them, but must register them for an annual $25 fee

The Town of Essex now has a bylaw that bans residents from owning a lengthy list of exotic pets.
Council passed the bylaw Monday.
Prohibited animal species include animals that:
- are venomous or poisonous and whose venom or poison is medically significant to humans or domestic animals;
- pose a real or potentially hazardous threat to humans, domestic animals or farm animals;
- pose a real or potentially hazardous threat to the local eco-system;
- are cited in the Control List as published by the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada;
- are prohibited or controlled by federal or provincial legislation.
The bylaw also bans people from transporting a prohibited animal species within the town and it prohibits the sale or transfer of exotic pets between two people.
However, the bylaw will be grandfathered in and not affect the town's new exotic pet store, Bella's Exotic Pets.
Staff and council consulted with Bella's owners Krista Mason and Rick Truant.
Specific species now banned in Essex include all snakes that reach an adult length larger than three metres and all lizards which reach an adult length larger than two metres.
Coun. Bill Baker said he doesn't think the bylaw is needed but called it "a compromise."
"I can't recall in the last 10 years a snake ever attacking someone in the town of Essex, but we have dogs that do," Baker said. "I don't need to ban something every time it comes up."
Although he voted for the bylaw, Baker was more in favour of "education and regulation, like we do with guns."
"I'm not in favour of jumping to a bylaw that prohibits business," he said.
Anyone in Essex who currently owns an exotic pet can continue to do so until it dies. But the owner must register the pet with the town for an annual fee of $25.
Fines for violations under the bylaw vary between $200 and $500.