First fine issued under Windsor's dog tethering bylaw
Windsor issued its first ticket under a new tethering bylaw after two dogs were left tied up outside earlier in January.
Two dogs were left tied up outside earlier in January when temperatures dropped to –15 C.

Windsor issued its first ticket under a new tethering bylaw after two dogs were left tied up outside earlier in January.
The Windsor/Essex County Humane Society says two dogs were left outside on January 7, when temperatures dropped to –15 C.
Humane society cruelty investigators say the dogs did not have adequate shelter, became entangled and had no water available.
The bylaw, passed in August 2014, prohibits dog owners from tying up their pets outside for more than four hours a day.
The maximum fine for violating the bylaw is $305.
The humane society says it's investigated approximately 40 tethering complaints since the bylaw was passed.