First human case of West Nile for 2017 confirmed in Windsor-Essex
Few people with West Nile develop any symptoms

A resident of Windsor-Essex has tested positive for West Nile virus — the first confirmed case of 2017.
Windsor-Essex mosquito pool tests positive for West Nile virus
Windsor-Essex health unit attacks West Nile virus with awareness campaign
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit said the discovery serves as an opportunity to remind people to take steps to protect themselves from the illness that can, in severe cases, cause humans to develop severe neuro-invasive disease.
Most people with virus don't develop any symptoms, while about 25 per cent develop West Nile fever.
So far this year, six mosquito pools in the region have tested positive for West Nile virus, according to the health unit.
Residents are warned to get rid of any standing water where the bugs could breed and to protect themselves using the following steps:
- Use insect repellent that contain DEET
- Ensure doors and window screens are free of holes and gaps
- Limit time spent outdoors at dawn and dusk
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants in light colours when outdoors