Some travellers going electric as high gas prices affecting motorists, businesses
Drivers switching to more fuel efficient cars and changing habits in response to record high gas prices

Gas prices have again hit another high. In Windsor the average price of gas was $2.07 on Monday.
Chris Pook, service technician for Soar Hobby and More on Walker Road, said there has been a "huge increase" in E-Bike sales at his store in recent months.
"Both the economic situation of the city and higher gas prices have both driven higher E-Bike sales," said Pook, who couldn't estimate on a percentage increase.
The pain at the pump at more than $2 a litre has driven some to buy more fuel efficient cars.
Julianne Kloss traded her minivan in for a hybrid vehicle because of high gas prices.
"I work 30 minutes away, so I had to drive 30 minutes there and back every day, and ended up paying more than it was worth to work," said Kloss.
"Damn. I think I'm going to buy a horse," said April Howard, who lives in Essex, and said her gas bill has shot up $40 dollars over what she used to pay.
The sales manager at Strickland's Auto Mart said there is more interest in more fuel efficient cars but the larger vehicles are still selling well too.
"We have seen a bit of an increase in interest in hybrid style vehicles, electric vehicles, and still just an interest in small four cylinder cars. But I do think it's still a little bit too early maybe that to reach judgment on that," said Scott Pickering.
Bethanny Akinwumi already drives a fuel efficient car but still plans to cut back on longer trips such as ones to Toronto.
"I'm definitely trying to budget a lot more," said Akinwumi.
Meanwhile, 80 year-old Jim McTaggart said he isn't ready to give up his pick-up truck.
"I don't drive that much. A tank will last me a week and a half. I like my truck," said McTaggart.