Windsor's public board to enrol K-12 students from South Korea
GECDSB estimates the South Korean students will pay about $13,000 in tuition

The Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) has partnered with a South Korean high school to bring more international students to Windsor.
On Monday, GECDSB signed a five-year "memorandum of understanding" with Yuhan Technical High School, promising to "develop and implement programs for students that promote internationalism, language and multiculturalism."
Vicki Houston, the GECDSB's superintendent of education, said international students from South Korea will be required to pay a tuition fee to attend Windsor's public schools at the K-12 level — totalling about $13,000.
"As well as any health care and insurance that they need to have," said Houston, adding those additional services may increase expenses by another $6,000.

The school board mandates all international students stay with a host family in Windsor, as they would be under 18, so they can be assigned to a legal guardian.
Houston said the public board will use existing partnerships with "English as a second language" programs and support workers to ensure translation services are provided.
'English is the primary concern'
For Yuhan Technical High School principal Seok-ho Kim, bringing students to Windsor will give them "better education and cultural exchanges," according to his translator.
"English is the primary concern and I also hope that students can learn different cultures," said Kim.

He also said Windsor has a "beautiful environment" and teachers in the city are "very dedicated" to their students.
The GECDSB said it's not sure how many students will be enrolled in Windsor's public schools in the upcoming school year, but said it could range between 20 and 50 students.