Gordie Howe Bridge Authority ready to take on Moroun over land needed for crossing
A private partner for the bridge should be selected by May 2018

Dwight Duncan was talking tough about land acquisition for the Gordie Howe International Bridge during the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority's Annual Public Meeting Friday.
The WDBA chairman said all land necessary on the Canadian side of the crossing had been purchased and about 60 per cent of the American had already been obtained.
Some of those properties belong to Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Moroun, but Duncan said he was ready for a fight.
"We will win," he said. "Bring it on."
.<a href="https://twitter.com/WDBAbridge">@WDBAbridge</a> holding its annual public meeting right now to go over work to date on new bridge, take questions and get input from the public <a href="https://t.co/Yk1GyRiqkT">pic.twitter.com/Yk1GyRiqkT</a>
So far, about $22 million US has been spent to buy 351 properties in Michigan.
Duncan said a private partner for the project should be selected in May of 2018 and work on the bridge should start shortly after.