Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare confirms doctor tested negative for COVID-19
The hospital announced on Thursday that a physician was being tested for the virus

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) has confirmed in a Sunday press release that one of the hospital's physicians who returned from a cruise has tested negative for COVID-19.
According to the release, "HDGH has notified all patients and staff who were in isolation pending the results."
"Although, there is a sense of relief that this case has come back negative, HDGH still remains committed to the restrictions that have been set out for staff, physicians, patients and visitors."
The hospital said they will continue to implement the following precautions at their facility: people can only enter the main campus through the Tayfour Building and Emara Building main entrance, visitors will be actively screened upon entering the hospital and visiting hours have been changed to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Anyone under the age of 18 are not allowed to visit, according to the release.
Some programs and services shut down
Starting Monday, some of the hospital's outpatient and home based programs and services will be closed indefinitely.
These include: Acquired Brain Injury, Cardiac Wellness, Bariatric Clinic, Outpatient Rehab,
Geriatric Assessment Program, Pulmonary Rehab. Rehab Outreach, Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team, Physiatry, WPEP, Mood and Anxiety, Concurrent Disorder, Dual Diagnosis, Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency (outpatient programming), Addiction Assessment and Referral, RCC Residential, RCC Glengarda, RCC Outpatient Services, Volunteer Services and PMO/Research.