Hearing for female officer accusing Windsor police of gender bias continues
Staff Sgt. alleges promotions were based more on popularity than performance

A human rights tribunal continued this week for a female officer that's accused Windsor police of passing over her for several promotions because of gender.
Staff Sgt. Christine Bissonnette appeared before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario at Windsor's city hall this week, where the hearing is being held.
Bissonnette named the Windsor Police Services Board, Chief Al Frederick, along with current and former senior officers Rick Derus, Vince Power and Rick Facciolo in her 39-page human rights complaint.

She alleges promotions were based more on popularity than performance, that she wasn't given the same training opportunities as male colleagues and that she had interactions with male officers that were "nothing short of harassment."
On Thursday, Chief Fredrick addressed the tribunal about the allegations.
"She obviously feels she's been disadvantaged and of course we don't believe that, we're here at the tribunal to determine the facts," he said.
"Due process is taking place and that's all we can ask for at this time," the chief added, explaining he could not go into details of the tribunal.
Frederick said the force has detailed promotional policies within in the service that is different for each rank, but similar overall.
Thursday's proceedings were scheduled until 5 p.m., and further dates have yet to be set.