Jaime Palm soccer net death sparks safety review in Windsor
A 15-year-old Bradford girl was trapped under a net and died Wednesday

The City of Windsor will review its soccer filed safety after a Bradford, Ont. girl was killed after a net fell on top of her.
- Jaime Palm death: 'We'll never forget her and how amazing she was'
- Soccer goal deaths: This has happened before
Jaime Palm, 15, was playing with a friend when a net tipped and trapped her underneath. She died Wednesday afternoon.
Soccer nets are easy to come by at Ford Test Track Park, with 17 pitches holding old nets made of steel and new ones made of aluminum.
"It's very light ... and it has anchoring pins," said Yvan Mantha is the parks manager for the City of Windsor, referring to one of the newer nets. "And that's where we'll have to look at reviewing our policy."
Nets would normally be pinned into the ground, but the field was recently painted, and the pins haven't been put back yet, he explains.
It's something Mantha said the city will review in light of the most recent death.
The Bradford incident is all too familiar to one man.
In Wallaceburg, Ont. more than 20 years ago, Robert Weese`s son, Mark, was killed in a similar incident. He was six years old.
"It was half-time and one of his teammates soccer net, like they did every halftime and jumped on the crossbar and brought the net down. It just so happened that Mark was running right behind him and the crossbar went on top of Mark's head," said Weese.
At the time he recruited his local member of parliament to draft a private members bill to ensure soccer nets are properly anchored on municipal fields, but the bill eventually fizzled out.
The net that killed his son was made by the Town of Wallaceburg and wasn't weighted properly.
"The reason they made it was so they could cut the grass and move the nets around it, and it wasn't anchored of course, and that's how it happened, actually," Weese explained.