Court martial hears sex assault charges in connection with Windsor, Ont. and London, Ont. complaints
Charges against James Wilks relate to complaints filed in Thunder Bay, Windsor, Ont. and London, Ont.

A court martial has started in Gatineau, Que. for a former military medic charged with breach of trust and sexual assault in connection with complaints filed by women in Thunder Bay, London, Ont. and Windsor, Ont.
Military judge Col. Mario Dutil spent much of the opening hours instructing a five-member jury panel on how it should consider the charges against James Wilks.
The former petty officer, whose job mainly involved the medical screening of military recruits, is accused of several incidents of breach of trust and one count of sexual assault.
From 1984 until early 2011, Wilks worked as a medical assistant and medical technician at Canadian Forces recruiting centres.
Several complainants said their breasts were fondled during the recruitment process in separate incidents between 2004 and 2009.
The four man, one woman court martial panel is expected to hear testimony over two weeks.